Video Marketing Trends for 2018

The importance of video marketing in our sector is quite normal, as the boom in video in recent years has been simply dizzying. To get an idea, let’s try a small visualization exercise: close your eyes and imagine the amount of videos circulating through the Internet in a single second. Ready? Now try to guess how long it would take to see those videos.

As marketers, we have to be up to date with what is coming and be able to justify our decisions with data. In this post, I want to help you get it by telling you 10 statistics and trends of video marketing and what they mean to you and your brand.

Video Marketing Trends for 2018

10 trends and statistics of video marketing

1) Video First

“Video First” is a term coined by Facebook to refer to a growing phenomenon: consumers no longer only want to consume video, but also to produce it. That is the preferred way of receiving information and expressing ourselves is moving from text to video.

In response, social media and other media make it easier for us to consume and broadcast video. In the case of Facebook, this concept has crystallized through its live video platform, Facebook Live. It is a new way of communicating that companies can take advantage of to be closer to their audience than ever before.

2) Live video (or live streaming)

Of the impressive amount of video web traffic that we mentioned above, nothing less than 13% will correspond to live videos. This new trend has gained strength in recent years and is here to stay.

For brands, this video marketing trend has some advantages:

  • Live videos are cheaper, since it is not necessary to invest in the production and editing phases. In addition, once the retransmission is finished, the video remains on the platform so you can continue sharing it.

  • Live streaming is attractive to users, as it conveys spontaneity and authenticity.

  • The live video increases the quality of the viewings. Users spend three times more time watching live videos (compared to pre-recorded videos).

3) The videos in square format

The format of the videos is also changing and this affects all aspects of production and creativity.

Where we had always done video marketing thinking about horizontal screens, now what commands are mobile phones and tablets, whose screen is vertical. Therefore, more and more brands are daring to turn the tables and create vertical videos directly for this format.

On the other hand, the intermediate solution is the videos in square format, which increasingly triumph. Compared to horizontal ones, square videos occupy 78% more space in the news section of Facebook and get a higher percentage of engagement.

4) The video as part of the conversion funnel

As you know, content marketing can help you get users moving along the conversion funnel and eventually convert. But when thinking about content, we often ignore the video format. Error! Video marketing generates greater engagement with the client and may be just the tool you need to achieve your goals.

5) Cost reduction

Recording and producing video is cheaper than ever. We have a huge variety of high quality tools at your fingertips, starting with the most obvious one: our own mobile phones. Only with a smartphone, a microphone, an editing program and a little talent can produce a lot of attractive videos for your brand. But if you want to go a step further you can hire a professional, you also have many options at an affordable cost and The video market is more democratic than ever.

6) Video as a training tool

There is no doubt that video is a powerful marketing tool, but its utilities do not end there. The videos is not only excite and move to action, but they are also a great resource when what we want to transmit information in a clear and didactic way.

Therefore, another of the video marketing trends that I want to highlight is the use of video as a training tool, either internally in companies or creating monetizable content. You can even integrate training and content marketing by offering a video course as a reward to users who leave their data.

7) Paid and sponsored videos

The video field offers many opportunities to launch paid advertising campaigns. Video ads through platforms like Facebook Ads are a great opportunity to multiply conversions, but you can also join with Youtubers and other influencers to boost your content marketing. Remember that if you want to optimize your investment, you will have to carefully measure the results and correct the course whenever necessary.

8) Mobile video, social and in 360 degrees

One of the reasons why video is triumphing more than ever is its integration with mobile and social networks. Basically, we all have a video camera at all times, and we can use this format to tell our lives by just pressing a couple of buttons. In addition, better tools are emerging to transport us virtually to the other side of the world, such as 360 degree videos.

9) Video content increases confidence

As we saw in point 2, videos (and especially live videos) can increase users’ confidence in a brand. Videos not only help generate more confidence, they can also multiply your sales.

But video by itself is not a magic solution, You need to be able to create content that transmits and resonate with your audience, and for that, the first thing is to strive to know your target.

10) The video is everywhere

Finally, the statistics on video marketing reveal that it is worth thinking a little beyond the usual in what refers to sites where you share your video. We already know that YouTube is the excellence social network of videos. But would you be able to quickly identify which are the 6 most popular platforms to post your videos on the internet? This is the answer, according to me.







Bonus extra!!!

To finish this post, I would like to share four brief facts that have made me think and that could also help you to give a further turn to your video marketing strategy for 2018:

  • 85% of videos are played without sound on Facebook. Therefore, you have to create videos in which the audio is an extra and not an essential part. Do not be afraid to resort to subtitles and overprints.

  • Using the word “video” in the subject of an email increases the opening ratios by 19%

  • Almost 50% of internet users search for videos related to a product or service before going to the store.

  • 48% of marketers plan to add YouTube to their content strategy next year.

In short, video marketing is already conquering the world of digital advertising. Do not stay behind!

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