Top 5 Step To Build a Effective Content Marketing Strategy

A content marketing strategy is a must.

The construction of a content marketing strategy will help you ensure that all your time, energy and money are focused on achieving a particular goal that helps your business grow. Concentrating on this goal will prevent you from creating irrelevant pieces of content that get in the way of attracting new visitors and listening to the needs of existing customers or customers.

In addition, a content marketing strategy will help you reach a much wider audience and distribute your content more effectively to professionals, bloggers and journalists.

A smart content marketing strategy will also help drive more organic traffic to your website on a daily basis. There is no better source of traffic than organic search because it provides relevant traffic with little or no additional investment required.

So, how to build a marketing strategy? Here is a five-step process to create a content marketing strategy that works.

Top 5 Step To Build a Effective Content Marketing Strategy
Content Strategy timeline, business concept


This is the most important step. It will put you on a path towards building the winning strategy.

Although defining your goals may seem easy, it is not always the case. You need to think about how you want content marketing to help you and what goals you will achieve once it is integrated into your work program.

Your goals could include increases in:

  • Organic traffic

  • Unique page views.

  • Generation of sales.

Sometimes, misguided by an ill-defined strategy and questionable objectives, we have this kind of tunnel vision that prevents us from taking advantage of the moment. These questionable goals, or rather, the performance indicators are useless, are tangential to attract new visitors, generating more potential customers and encompassing new clients.

Here are some examples of bad performance indicators:

Frequency of publications. This indicator focuses more on quantity when you should focus on what comes out of your content marketing. Wasting your potential by creating endless publications that provide null value will not please readers and will be counterproductive to your marketing strategy because the investment needed to create all those articles will be extensive.

Knowledge of the brand. This indicator is incredibly difficult to measure through any channel. Understand how recognizable your brand is for a particular audience, it will require a complex and expensive investigation. Instead, consider much simpler metrics to measure brand awareness, such as direct traffic growth and search queries for brand keywords.


Find out what kind of content your competitors and other industry leaders have produced and how this content is performing.

You can use BuzzSumo to analyze specific publications and articles created by your rivals and industry experts. Not only will this tool tell you all about your social cues such as likes and shared content, it will also tell you your number of links.

The only thing that BuzzSumo does not offer is the analysis of organic traffic. Fortunately, there are tools like Ahrefs and Semrush. I prefer to use the Ahrefs Analysis tool, which allows you to process up to 200 URLs at a time.


The Google support forum typically explains everything step by step. Therefore, go to Google Analytics and check which of your articles get the most visits.

After this, analyze your content performance with BuzzSumo.


Tune in to what your users are telling you using their keyboards. See what your target audience is searching on Google using a tool called “Respond to the public.” This tool tracks Google’s suggestion search queries.

Human beings are curious by nature. We are always asking questions.

What questions do your users on Reddit or Quora? Use this search term to find topics for your future articles: site: “your keyword”.

Twitter Audience Insights is another great source of information to get to know your users better. This will give you an idea of what kind of content is highly appreciated in your industry.


During this stage, it is necessary to submit a detailed plan on the exact way to distribute your content and expose it to a wider audience. This is an action plan that you can use to better promote your content and, as a result, generate more traffic, attract more potential customers and increase your sales.

Use paid ads on Facebook

If your budget allows it, publish some ads on Facebook. In addition, video ads on Facebook cost less, so if you can summarize a creative message in a 20-second video for your ads, do not hesitate to do so. You will pay less to reach more users.

Pay attention when setting up your ad and select different public interests. Use the brands that your audience also likes. For example, if you were creating an ad for the digital marketing industry, then for an ad on “content marketing,” you would add the keyword phrase “digital marketing industry” as one of my audience’s interests.

The orientation of the right audience also allows you to reach users who are already familiar with your product. If you have 10,000 emails in your user database, then your best option is to create a personalized audience.

If you do not have many users, Facebook will charge you more for an ad like that. The smaller your audience, the more you’ll have to pay for a segmented ad, so it’s not always profitable.

Use the Power of Reach

This part requires a little work. Start by preparing a list of sites and bloggers with whom you are planning to contact in advance. This will help speed things up and give you a decent number of links and social actions, and as a result, constant traffic and new potential customers.

Normally, you want to search for articles related to yours. You can find them with the help of BuzzSumo. On top of that, you can get a list of reference domains (where your backlinks come from) using BuzzSumo, Ahrefs or Majestic.

Once you have a list of sites with which you want to connect, then the most terrible part comes. you need to find out how you’re going to get to them. There are a couple of ways to do that, and I want to review the pros and cons of each of them.

Fill out the contact forms of the websites

You will find these on most blogger sites. Collect a list of URLs with contact forms. One of the advantages is that it does not take long to do this process, but the response rate could be zero.

Send emails

This is my favorite method of promoting content. Yes, you need to spend a horrendous amount of time finding these email addresses. But with the help of tools like,, or, you can save time and enjoy your latte peacefully or watch your favorite show.

Another interesting thing about sending emails is that you can check if the email you sent was opened or not, and follow up the conversation when necessary. Tools like Yesware, Mixmax, Mailtrack or Mailchimp will help you determine if your email has been opened and has been read.

Use of social networks

In case you decide to use social communication networks to contact an expert, you would not use Facebook to send messages because people seldom use this social network for work purposes. However, Facebook groups, especially closed groups, are the right place to do so. You can reach your target audience and effectively promote their content.

The same goes for LinkedIn groups. The only thing you should keep in mind is never to share a link to your article without writing a short introduction to your content. That would seem abrupt and spam. Ideally, you need to write a different introduction for each group for which you are going to publish your content, and that is why it is a time-consuming task.

Another option would be to connect with industry professionals and content producers on LinkedIn. This tactic has proven to be very effective, and can be used along with the reach of the email.

We also can not forget about Twitter. Using BuzzSumo, you can find a list of users who have previously shared similar content. Those will be the people you want to talk to.

Combined Reach: Emails and Social Networks

You can dramatically increase your response by email and index of open emails by first connecting with people on LinkedIn (before sending them). Yes, you require extra time, but it is always good to know that you have established meaningful and potentially strong connections. People who have heard your name before will be more likely to respond to your emails.


Now you know how you can build a powerful content marketing strategy from scratch.

Of course, you can simply write content, publish it on your site or elsewhere, and make a couple of distribution on social networks. But that will not bring the traffic and sales you want in the long term.

You need to know exactly what kind of messages resonate best with your audience and have a strategy about your disclosure plan.

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