The Secrets of Successful Email Marketing

Has it happened to you that you send email campaigns and do not achieve results? Today I want to share some tips to create successful email marketing strategy.

The secrets of successful email marketing

The most common practice I find in companies that use email as a sales and promotion tool is that they continue to send mass campaigns with generic messages and mainly direct sales.

Not that it is wrong to sell by this means, do not misunderstand me, but you must be clear that today’s consumer expects to fall in love first, does not like direct sales, much less brands that have not yet approved, trusting or contacted.

Let’s start with the obvious, you can not send mail to people who have not given you permission to do so, they have not subscribed freely to your contact lists, or to your current clients with whom you already have a relationship.

Sending emails to lists purchased or created without the express permission of the same is SPAM and are the practices that give bad reputation to email marketing, you only generate disgust, a bad impression of your brand and finally that they throw you to the tray of “garbage” .

So the first thing is to understand that email marketing works only with permission. Once clarified, I will attach some brief tips that you can apply to your email strategy to achieve more conversion percentages.

Keys to Successful Email Marketing

List segmentation

Learn to work segmented markets, not massive and generic databases. Divide your market into small groups or market segments with specific needs and / or specific characteristics, which allow you to follow them more punctually and with greater value.

This classification will depend on your type of business and even your own sales goals, but you can classify your segments by type of need, location, size of company, type of position or even the purchase process in which it is located. inside your sales funnel.

When you are clear about how you should segment your prospects, it is time to adapt your calls to action and lead capture forms to obtain from them the necessary information you need to segment your lists. Do you follow me? Your download or subscription content should help you segment, and your forms should ask for the data you need to do it automatically in your email marketing platform (Mailchimp, Doppler or others). So you will be building direct and immediate segmented lists.

Campaign customization

Since you have your segmented lists, it’s time to create personalized campaigns, and by that I mean something much more than placing the name of the person in the email. When I talk about personalization, I talk about sharing valuable content related to your subscription ratio and the specific needs of your own market segment.

So, if you want to achieve conversion results with your email marketing campaigns, you must stop sending generic messages to everyone, you must create campaigns and specific content for each of your lists (market segments).

If your lists, for example, are segmented by type of company, you can develop campaigns with content aimed at a certain business sector, talking about the needs of the same, issues that only apply to it and solutions also referring to it. This is personalization and is better than generic communication that does not end up connecting with anyone directly.

Communication Filters

Take advantage of the automation that the platforms ESP (Email Services Provide) offer you to create continuous flows of communication with your databases, and go pushing them to follow the path you want in your sales funnel.

With email marketing you should not just try to sell your products and services, you should be generating value and confidence, so that little by little you will be driving your subscribers in the shopping journey you have planned.

Imagine that they subscribe to your list because they downloaded an ebook of tips that you have on your website … are you? An adequate flow of communication would be: send an email thanking the download and inviting another specific action such as reading more information on your blog or subscribing to your YouTube channel.

  • A week later, you can automate sending another email with relevant information about what you sell and your business type specifically, you still do not sell anything, you only provide valuable information.

  • A week later, send another email inviting them to a workshop, course or event so they can know more tangible solutions about what your company does.

  • Some time later, I could start sending direct sales information, always remembering to keep sending value emails, such as a newsletter or promotions.

Do you see the difference? The idea is to fall in love little by little, remember that each of your subscribers are in different phases of purchase and you must go them forward little by little, in a segmented way and with a lot of value before selling.

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